Wayne County New York
Genealogical Society
The Wayne County Genealogical Society is a nonprofit 501(C)7 social club organization formed in 2013 to further the interest in family or personal Genealogical Research in Wayne County, NY.
Our Mailing address is:
Wayne County New York Genealogical Society
PO Box 502
Newark, N.Y. 14513
Email info@waynehistory.org with questions.
Meetings: Every Third Tuesday at 7:00PM March through November
Location: Newark Arcadia Historical Society (across from the Newark Library)
120 High Street, Newark, N.Y.
All are welcome! There is no charge to attend a meeting but membership is encouraged.
Charter, Purpose & Genealogist's Standards
Preserve and perpetuate ancestral records for educational and historical purposes;
Encourage the study of family history and to teach the methods of genealogical research;
Promote genealogical publications;
Promote the preservation and safeguarding of genealogical data; and
Publish and circulate literature relative to the purposes and acquisitions of the Society.
Before you Contact Us, Please Note Information Listed Below.
WCNYGS does not handle genealogical research requests.
We do not have the materials or facilities for conducting genealogical research.
Genealogical research queries/inquiries are handled through the Office of the Wayne County Historian at historian@co.wayne.ny.us